
Second University of Saskatchewan Edition: Goals

The following is an outline of our plans for Physical Geology, Second University of Saskatchewan Edition by Karla Panchuk and Joyce McBeth, tentatively planned for release in January of 2020. We’ve prepared this document in case there is interest in adapting this work, for potential collaborators to see our plans, and to mitigate duplication of efforts. This outline may be updated from time to time.

Last updated: 18 January 2019

General Tasks

Image Context

Augment image attributions with URLs to the context of the image. All images have a link to the URL from which they were derived, however many of these links lead to an image file alone. This can make it difficult to revisit the context in which the image is used and to access more information about it.

Open Access Publications and Websites

Create a permanent repository. Where publications referenced in the text are available as open access documents, they will be added to a permanent archive/repository rather than simply linking to the page. This will ensure that we retain archival access to those documents. Licenses permitting, some websites will be captured and saved to the repository.

Items by Chapter

We will be working through the whole textbook and incorporating minor edits or missing topics that we teach (or that are flagged by others). Here are some specific items we plan to address:

Chapter 2. The Origin of Earth and the Solar System

Expand to include a discussion of comets and meteorites, and to include recent NASA missions and their significance for understanding Earth.

Chapter 3. Earth’s Interior

Expand the discussion of Earth’s magnetic field to include a sidebar how small-scale changes in Earth’s magnetic field must be accounted for in navigation systems.

Chapter 9. Sedimentary Rocks

Expand the discussion of depositional environments, including photographs.

Expand with additional examples of sedimentary structures, including photographs.

Chapter 11. Volcanoes

Expand and update information on tools used to monitor volcanoes, and on how volcanic hazards are mitigated.

Chapter 12. Earthquakes

Expand and update information on tools used to monitor stress in Earth’s lithosphere, and on how earthquake risk is mitigated with building standards and early warning systems.

Chapter 16. Earth-System Change

Update as necessary.

Chapter 18. Geological Resources

Complete the earlier efforts we have made on this adaptation (previously only had done minimal updates) and formatting. Content updates to 2019 where applicable.

Chapter 14 [from Earle (2015) Physical Geology]. Groundwater

Adapt and update attributions and formatting to match the rest of the textbook.

Chapter 18 [from Earle (2015) Physical Geology]. Geology of the Oceans

Adapt and update attributions and formatting to match the rest of the textbook.

Chapter 21 [from Earle (2015) Physical Geology]. Geological History of Western Canada

Adapt and update attributions and formatting to match the rest of the textbook.

Back Matter


Pressbooks has recently released a glossary tool. The glossary will be transitioned to the glossary tool.

Appendix B: Image Attributions

Image attributions in the PDF version of the textbook typically do not include source URLs because long URLs tend to compromise the readability of the document, as well as extending the length of the document. Length is an important factor to consider when students must bear the costs of printing a textbook. Appendix B will be populated with the URLs for figures so they can be included in PDF documents for reference.

Ancillary Resources

Slide Decks

This resource is already available for the First University of Saskatchewan Edition in PowerPoint format on our Google Drive repository. The slide decks include all images from each chapter, with attributions clearly stated on the page. The decks also include learning outcomes and recommended readings. We are planning updates to reflect changes to the text and to newly adapted chapter editions. We may incorporate CC BY images that are not included in the textbook to support those adopting the textbook or the slides. We are not planning detailed content slide decks at this time. Get in touch if you are interested in discussing/contributing to these efforts (contact: joyce.mcbeth at usask.ca).

Introductory Physical Geology Lab Manual, First Canadian Edition

This is a lab manual we’re working on that is an adaptation of a lab manual developed at the University of North Georgia by Deline, Harris, and Tefend (Deline B, Harris R & Tefend K. (2015) “Laboratory Manual for Introductory Geology”. First Edition. CC BY-SA 4.0.).

We are currently in the second round of field testing this resource with our first-year geology students at USask; planned official release date for the First USask Edition is May 2019. Get in touch if you are interested in seeing a preview of what we’ve developed (contact: joyce.mcbeth at usask.ca).

Physical Geology Workbook

This resource is currently in testing. The approximate release date for the First USask Edition is mid 2019. The workbook contains learning outcomes, recommended readings from the textbook, vocabulary lists, extra review questions, and background review appendices for chemistry, biology, physics, and geography topics. Get in touch if you are interested in seeing a preview of what we’ve developed (contact: joyce.mcbeth at usask.ca).



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