
Preface to the First University of Saskatchewan Edition

Karla Panchuk

The First University of Saskatchewan Edition of Physical Geology is the product of several years’ work iteratively adapting Steven Earle’s original Physical Geology textbook. Edits since the spring of 2017 were supported financially through the University of Saskatchewan’s Open Educational Resources Fund.

Key aspects of this latest version include:

  • Expanded content on topics of particular importance to instructors at the University of Saskatchewan: Earth-system change, glaciation, and mass wasting
  • Updated coverage of recent events and research;
  • A consistent and transparent system for image attributions, making sources and permissions easy to trace.
  • Additional images to support written content. The First University of Saskatchewan Edition contains approximately 580 figures, 40% of which were modified, added, or created as original works for this edition.

Thus far, this textbook (including previous adapted versions we’ve prepared) has been used by nearly a thousand students at the University of Saskatchewan, saving them tens of thousands of dollars in textbook costs. If you are considering adopting this version of this textbook in your courses or adapting it, please get in touch. We’d love to talk to you about what we’ve done so far and what we are planning for the next edition.

Karla Panchuk

January 2019


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