8.2. Weathering, Sediment, and Soil – Vocabulary
Section 8.0 Introduction
- weathering
- reactive gases
- water
- climate
- mechanical weathering / physical weathering
- chemical weathering
- physical process
- chemical reaction
- fresh surface
- susceptible
- particles
- ions
- soil
Section 8.1 Mechanical weathering
- overlying materials
- outcrop
- expose / exposed / exposure
- expand / expansion
- wedge
- exfoliate / exfoliation
- plane of weakness
- confining pressure
- pressure-release cracking
- frost wedging
- ice wedging
- talus slope
- oscillate
- fan-shaped
- salt wedging
- evaporate
- honeycomb structure / honeycomb weathering
- tafoni
- root wedging
- erosion
- gravity
Section 8.2 Chemical weathering
- dissolution
- alter / altered
- ions
- carbonic acid
- bicarbonate
- organic acid
- percolate
- sinkhole
- hydrolysis
- clay minerals (kaolinite, chlorite, smectite, serpentine)
- weathered
- unweathered
- hydration
- oxidation
- silicic acid
- acid rock drainage
- acid mine drainage
- remediation
Section 8.3 Controls on weathering processes and rates
- climate
- Arctic
- weathering rate
- surface area
- biological processes
- cement / cemented
- differential weathering
- sedimentary bed
Section 8.4 Weathering and erosion produce sediments
- sediment
- erosion
- clast
- particles
- grains
- mineralogy
- texture
- composition
- grain size
- sorting
- rounding
- sphericity
- angular
- rounded
- resistance
- boulder
- cobble
- pebble
- sand
- silt
- clay
- course-grained
- medium-grained
- fine-grained
- micron (μm)
- medium (noun)
- trickle
- stream bed
- well sorted
- moderately sorted
- poorly sorted
- subangular
- subrounded
- sharp edge
- transport / transported
- elongate
Section 8.5 Weathering and soil formation
- soil
- organic matter
- empty space
- soil composition
- soil texture
- climate
- percolate / percolation
- tropical
- leach / leached
- organic / inorganic
- precipitate
- parent material
- parent rock
- loess
- bedrock
- unconsolidated sediment
- residual soil
- transported soil
- glacial deposit
- stream deposit
- fertile soil
- river-flood deposit
- slope
- mass wasting
- landslide
- steep slope
- gentle slope
- humid
- soil horizon
- layers
- temperate climate
- O horizon
- A horizon
- E horizon
- B horizon
- C horizon
- caliche
- arid climate / arid region
- erode /erosion
- disaggregate
- suspension
- tillage
- cultivator
- channelled / unchannelled
- runoff
Section 8.6 Soils of Canada
- forest
- grassland
- glacial
- tundra
- podzolic
- luvisolic
- brunisolic
- chernozemic
- solonetzic
- cryosolic
- vertisolic
- organic
- regosolic
- gleysolic
- soil formation
- podzolization
- poor drainage
- permafrost
- freeze-thaw cycle
- freeze-thaw process
Section 8.7 Weathering and climate change
- carbon cycle
- biological cycle
- geological cycle
- coal
- peat
- organic-rich shale
- carbonate rocks
- carbon dioxide
- permafrost
- marine organisms
- balance
- imbalance
Other vocabulary
- alteration
- weathering rind
- neutral / neutralization
- biological weathering
- freeze-thaw cracking
- abrade / abrasion
- zone of weakness
- universal solvent
- chemical stability
- fracture
- rock joint
- bedding
- ventifact
- solubility
- dissolution rate
- ped
- eolian erosion
- fluvial erosion
- karst topography
- topsoil
- humus
- translocation