Book Title: Physical Geology Workbook
Subtitle: First USask Edition, December 2019

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Book Description: The Physical Geology Workbook is a companion workbook to the Physical Geology introductory textbook. It contains learning outcomes, vocabulary, and review questions that students can use to enhance their learning experiences in 100-level university geology courses.
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Book Description
The Physical Geology Workbook (First USask Edition) is a companion workbook to the Physical Geology Textbook (First USask Edition by Karla Panchuk, 2019; adapted from “Physical Geology” by Steven Earle, 2015). It contains learning outcomes, vocabulary, and review questions that students can use to enhance their learning experiences in 100-level university geology courses. Topics include plate tectonics, rock cycle, minerals, weathering, igneous rock, metamorphism, sedimentary processes, volcanoes, geological structures, earthquakes, glaciation, Earth-system change, geological time, and mass wasting. The workbook also includes appendices for students to review and assess their high school background in topics in chemistry, physics, math, geography, and biology that they will use in 100-level physical geology courses. The text and the workbook are geared toward students studying at Canadian institutions of higher education, and contain examples of geological features and phenomena from across Canada and around the world.
Physical Geology Workbook Copyright © 2019 by Joyce M. McBeth is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.
Geology, geomorphology and the lithosphere