
31 Privacy and Security of Chat GPT

Daigon Elmy

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Prompt: The Future of AI, The Future of the World, The Future of Humans 


AI is a great thing we are allowed access to go about our days and help us with our daily, simple, mindless tasks to our not everyday, complex, challenging tasks.Is the AI technology staying ethical? Is there information AI is taking from us that we do not know about, what information do they have access to? What does the future look like for humans, technology and our world?

For the purpose of this assignment, we are going to focus strictly on Chat GPT

Connection to Curriculum

How does Chat GPT connect to our curriculum?

English A30

CC A30.1

Create a range of visual, multimedia, oral, and written texts that explore:

  • identity (e.g., Define the Individual, Negotiate the Community),
  • social responsibility (e.g., Shift Centres, Blur Margins), and
  • social action (agency) (e.g., Understand Beliefs, Initiate Action)

English 320

CC 20.1

Create a range of visual, multimedia, oral, and written texts to explore:

  • identity (e.g., Relationships with Family and Others).
  • social responsibility (e.g., Evolving Roles and Responsibilities); and
  • social action (agency) (e.g., The Past and the Present).
  • This tool will allow our students to explore AI and understand what it is all about all while being able to hit some outcomes. Students will be able to us AI to capture pictures that they think best represent what they are trying to show and stories they are trying to explore.
  • From being in an ELA 30 class in a recent placement, where they were creating and reading short stories, many of the students rushed the planning process so they would have more time to critique and perfect their story. This tool might help students really focus on their pre planning stage.
  • We all know students are already using AI and Chat GPT to complete assignments so why don’t we work with them? Show them ways that it can be beneficial, and they can use it to their advantage.
  • We will also need to make sure they understand what they are putting into Chat GPT and other AI tools they may be using.  Making sure they understand the privacy agreements and what Chat GPT has access to on their phones, computers, or wherever they are accessing it from.
  • 1.2 Digital Citizen
    • o Students recognize the rights, responsibilities, and opportunities of living, learning, and working in an interconnected digital world, and they act and model in ways that are safe, legal and ethical.
  • 1.2A- Students cultivate and manage their digital identify and reputation and are aware of their permanence of their actions in the digital world
  • 1.2B- Students engage in positive, safe, ethical, and legal behaviour when using technology, including social interactions online, or when using networked devices
  • 1.2C- Students demonstrate an understanding of and respect for the rights and obligations of using and sharing intellectual property
  • 1.2D- students manage their personal date to maintain digital privacy and security and are aware of the data collecting technology used to track their navigation online

Positives and Negatives 

With every positive, there are obviously going to be some negatives. This will gives an outline of some of the positives and negatives of allowing our students to use Chat GPT.

Benefits of Chat GPT in the Classroom

  • Chat GPT and AI is a great tool to have in our classroom for both teachers and students, but both parties need to be self-conscious of what they are allowing  access to.
  • Some of the benefits for teachers could include:
    •  Personalized learning for each student
    • Customized date-based feedback- this will allow students to proofread and look over their own work, much more in-depth.
    •  Chat GPT and other AI tools are accessible  24/7- students will have access to Chat GPT at home or  whenever they are working on school. This could be a very risky slope for educators and their students. We would have to be willing to work with other educators and find how they monitor the information students give us.
    • Maybe as educators we create a AI tool for each of our classrooms that the students must use, and we are able to monitor their work.


Negatives of AI Classroom

  • A great concern is the ethical and privacy risks associated with AI.
    •  What information do they have access to?
  • Lack of creativity- allowing students to use AI will take the creativity of their work.
  • Reliability- is the information AI puts out there fully reliable, and we trust it is the best information for our students.
  • Students may take advantage of AI tools such as Chat GPT and their critical thinking could be stunted.
    • If Chat GPT is doing all their critical thinking, what critical thinking are the students allowing themselves to do?

The Process

Looking at and understanding Chat GPT’s privacy policy and what we allow it to access by simply accessing their technology.

Does Chat GPT Have Privacy Issues?

  • Just like most sites Chat GPT takes account information, information you put into the chat bot and information it pulls from your device such as IP Address and location.
  • Account and Billing Information
    •  Chat GPT stores your name, contact details, login credentials and payment information and any transaction records- if you add it. Which is explanatory?
    • The company will also store any data if you leave a comment on its social media, you email customer support.
    •  Specifically, ChatGPT logs its record and stores transcripts. Any information you put into ChatGPT it is logged.
    •  Stores confidential information that is types- must be careful is using for work.
    •  In ChatGPT privacy policy they state, “that when you use ChatGPT it may collect personal information from your messages, any files you uploaded and any feedback you provided” (Veale, 2023)
  • Personal information is available to:
    • o Vendors and service providers
    • o Other businesses
    • o Affiliates
    • o Legal entities
    • o AI trainers who review comments
  • In its privacy policy it states this is who they share information with

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Prompt: Privacy Policy, Chat GPT, Infringing 


  • Allow students to explore different Chat bots they may use, and which might fit their needs the best.
  • Make sure they read and go thorugh the privacy policy and understand what information they will be sharing- willingly and unwillingly.
  • Discuss with our students the importance of understanding the digital world that we live in today. It can be useful, informative, and beneficial but it can also negative, unethical, and illegal.
  • If students want to work with AI tools allow them to select one, read through the privacy, make sure it is ethical and they continue to work with their selected AI.

Informative presentation

Nagivating Chat GPT Safely

Learn more about using Chat GPT Safely by clicking the link above.


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Prompt: Navigation, Internet, Safely



Brooks-Young, S. (2016). A Practical Guide for Learning with Technology. ISTE Standards for Students. https://iste.org/standards/students#1-2-digital-citizen

Government of Saskatchewan, Ministry of Education.  (2012). English Language Arts 20, Saskatchewan Curriculum. https://curriculum.gov.sk.ca/CurriculumHome?id=38

Gupta, D. (2023). 10 Wsys AI in Education if Transforming the Industry. Appinventiv. https://appinventiv.com/blog/10-ways-artificial-intelligence-transforming-the-education-industry/

Veale, K. (2023). Does ChatGPT Have Privacy Issues? Make Use of. https://www.makeuseof.com/chatgpt-privacy-issues/

Acknowledgement of AI Use

AI was used a great tool for me to discover images that relate closely with privacy of Chat GPT and other possible AI tools we may implement in our future classrooms. Much of the information within this chapter came from articles and not Chat GPT or any other AI tools. This allowed me to obtain trust worthy information where Chat GPT may have not given the full truth if they were prompt with their security. AI is something that has been avoided throughout my college degree, because of the untrustworthiness and the consequences that could follow, but understanding it much more, it could have been a very utilized tool for myself and my fellow students.


Teaching and Creating with Generative AI Copyright © by Dr. Paula MacDowell; Kristin Moskalyk; and Katrina Korchinski. All Rights Reserved.