


adaptation (adapt): A work that has been revised or adapted.

attribution: Giving credit to the creator of an original work; the most basic requirement of a CC license, i.e., CC-BY, where BY indicates that attribution of a work by the creator is required.

caption: Text that accompanies a figure, table or other image within a work; a caption may include the image type, image number, description of image and possibly attribution statement.

citation: A prescriptive process by which the information cited from a copyrighted work is attributed.

Connexions: A repository of open educational resources started at Rice University, now called the the OpenStax CNX or OpenStax College. See https://www.openstaxcollege.org/

copyright: The exclusive legal right, given to an originator or an assignee to print, publish, perform, film, or record literary, artistic, musical or other creative material, and to authorize others to do the same.

copyright license: A license by which a licensor can grant additional copyright permissions to licensees and in which either the licensees or both the licensees and licensors are unlimited.

Creative Commons (CC): a non-profit organization devoted to expanding the range of creative works available for others to build upon legally and to share. For more information see creativecommons.org

derivative: see adaptation.

ePub: An ebook format type that can be downloaded and read on a device such as a smart phone, tablet or computer.

five Rs: The five tenets of the open movement – redistribute, remix, retain, re-use, revise.

LaTeX/Mathematics: An application used to typeset mathematical notation correctly.

license: see copyright license.

mobi: The format type used to read books and other written works on a Kindle book reader. See ePub.

open: A general term used to describe any works (written, images, music, etc.) that are openly licensed and available to the general public to re-use; see Creative Commons.

open pedagogy: See What is Open Pedagogy?

open peer review: See What is open peer review?

OpenStax College: See Connexions.

open textbook: A textbook that is generally free or very low cost to students and instructors; a textbook that is open and available for adaptation.

platform: An online software system or website.

Pressbooks: a platform used to create and edit books.

proofreading: The last stage in the text editing process to ensure that all errors have been corrected; this can be a one-time step or iterative.

redistribute: One of the five Rs of open; to distribute or share a work with others.

remix: One of the five Rs of open; to take several open works and mix them together so a new work is created.

re-use: One of the five Rs of open; to use a work again.

retain: One of the five Rs of open; to keep or store a work.

revise: One of the five Rs of open; to change or adapt a work; see adaptation and derivative.

style guide: A guide that outlines the elements that an author should follow when creating or adapting a book, or other work or resource such as spelling, punctuation, citation style, measurements and layout.

style sheet: A list or sheet that contains the elements of a book, or other work or resource, that differ from the standard style guide.

text editing: The act of reviewing and correcting the grammar, spelling, punctuation, clarity, and consistency of a written work.


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USask Open Textbook Authoring Guide - Ver.1.0 Copyright © 2016 by Distance Education Unit, University of Saskatchewan is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.