
Using the Customizer

You can customize a theme once you have chosen it. Below, you will see directions for customization for one of the “Classic” themes. Each theme will have its own selection of aspects that can be customized, but some customizations you might make include:

  • The name and/or tagline for your site
  • The colour palette
  • Location of menu
  • Items included on the menu
  • What the home page for the site will be. It may be a static page of your choosing or the latest blog posts. Later in this guide there is an explanation about the difference between pages and posts.
  • Widgets and their locations. Widgets may include a search box, list of categories of posts and pages, tags, etc.

The example below will show you some of the more commons ones.


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WordPress Guide: sites.usask.ca Copyright © by Gwenna Moss Centre for Teaching and Learning (GMCTL); Ryan Banow; Julie Maier; and Heather M. Ross is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.