
Selecting a theme for your site

Before beginning the process of selecting or changing the theme for your WordPress site, make sure you are on the correct site.

We recommend that you choose a theme that uses the “Classic” editor as opposed to the newer “Modern” editor (also called the “Block” or “Gutenberg” editor), which can be more difficult to use, especially for those less familiar with WordPress. If your editor looks very different than the editor shown in the later pages of this guide, you are likely using a theme with the “Modern” editor.

Some suggested themes that have the “Classic Editor” include:

The following guide will show you how to change themes in WordPress. Note that you can change your theme at any time.



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WordPress Guide: sites.usask.ca Copyright © by Gwenna Moss Centre for Teaching and Learning (GMCTL); Ryan Banow; Julie Maier; and Heather M. Ross is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.