Classification of Acid-Base Abnormalities

There are 4 basic acid-base disturbances (Fig. 6.4):

  • Metabolic acidosis
  • Metabolic alkalosis
  • Respiratory acidosis
  • Respiratory alkalosis

All 4 can be uncompensated, partially compensated, or compensated; overcompensation does not occur. If the primary disturbance is respiratory (abnormal pCO2), compensation will be metabolic (through the kidneys) and vice versa. The respiratory and renal systems are, of course, both metabolic, but for the purposes of describing acid-base disturbances, the respiratory system is considered separately from other metabolic systems.

Figure 6.4 Flow chart of acid-base disturbances.
Figure 6.4 Flow chart of acid-base disturbances.

Table 6.3 demonstrates the expected changes in values seen on the blood gas and biochemical panel results for the four major acid-base disturbances.

Table 6.3: Expected changes (including examples) with four major uncompensated acid-base disturbances
Table 6.3: Expected changes (including examples) with four major uncompensated acid-base disturbances


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Veterinary Clinical Pathology: An Introduction Copyright © by Marion Jackson; Beverly Kidney; and Nicole Fernandez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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