List of Abbreviations
Abbreviation |
Full Name |
2,3-BPG | 2,3-biphosphoglycerate |
α1-PI | alpha 1-proteinase inhibitor |
ACT | activated clotting time |
ACTH | adrenocorticotropic hormone |
ADH | antidiuretic hormone |
AE1 | anion exchange protein or channel |
A/G | albumin to globulin (ratio) |
AG | anion gap |
AID | anemia of inflammatory disease |
ALP | alkaline phosphatase |
ALT | alanine aminotransferase |
APP | acute phase protein |
ASA | acetylsalicylic acid |
AST | aspartate aminotransferase |
AT | antithrombin |
ATP | adenosine triphosphate |
BAL | bronchoalveolar lavage |
BE | base excess |
BHBA | β-hydroxybutyrate |
BLAD | bovine leukocyte adhesion deficiency |
BLV | bovine leukemia virus |
BMBT | buccal mucosal bleeding time |
BUN | blood urea nitrogen |
Ca++ | calcium |
CBC | complete blood count |
CD | cluster of differentiation |
CDI | central diabetes insipidus |
CK | creatine kinase |
Cl | chloride |
CLAD | canine leukocyte adhesion deficiency |
CLP | common lymphoid progenitor |
CMP | common myeloid progenitor |
CO2 | carbon dioxide |
cPLI | canine pancreatic lipase immunoreactivity |
CRH | corticotropin releasing hormone |
CSF | cerebrospinal fluid |
DAT | direct antiglobulin test |
DI | diabetes insipidus |
DIC&F | disseminated intravascular coagulation & fibrinolysis |
DM | diabetes mellitus |
DSH | domestic shorthair |
ECF | extracellular fluid |
EDTA | ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid |
ELISA | enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay |
EMS | equine metabolic syndrome |
EPI | exocrine pancreatic insufficiency |
EPO | erythropoietin |
FAB | French-American-British |
FDP | fibrin/fibrinogen degradation products |
Fe2+ | ferrous |
FeLV | feline leukemia virus |
FFA | free fatty acids |
FIP | feline infectious peritonitis |
FIV | feline immunodeficiency virus |
FNA | fine needle aspirate |
FNNA | fine needle nonaspirate |
fPLI | feline pancreatic lipase immunoreactivity |
FPT | failure of passive transfer |
gag | group specific antigen |
G-CSF | granulocyte-colony stimulating factor |
GFR | glomerular filtration rate |
GGT | γ-glutamyltransferase |
GIT | gastrointestinal tract |
GLDH | glutamate dehydrogenase |
GM-CSF | granulocyte/monocyte-colony stimulating factor |
gp or GP | glycoprotein |
H+ | hydrogen ion |
H2CO3 | carbonic acid |
H2O | water |
HAC | hyperadrenocorticism |
HCl | hydrochloric acid |
HCO3 | bicarbonate |
Hct | hematocrit |
HDDST | high dose dexamethasone suppression test |
Hgb | hemoglobin |
HHS | hyperosmolar hyperglycemic state |
HMWK | high molecular weight kininogen |
HP | high power (using microscope) |
hpf | high power field |
HYPP | hyperkalemic periodic paralysis/paresis |
ICF | intracellular fluid |
IF | intrinsic factor |
IFN | interferon |
Ig | immunoglobulin |
IL | interleukin |
IMHA | immune-mediated hemolytic anemia |
IMTP | immune-mediated thrombocytopenia |
IP | intermediate power (using microscope) |
IV | intravenous |
K+ | potassium |
LCFA | long chain fatty acids |
LDDST | low dose dexamethasone suppression test |
LDH | lactate dehydrogenase |
LP | low power (using microscope) |
LSA | lymphosarcoma |
MCH | mean cell hemoglobin |
MCHC | mean cell hemoglobin concentration |
M-CSF | monocyte-colony stimulating factor |
MCV | mean cell volume |
MDS | myelodysplastic syndrome |
Mg++ | magnesium |
MPN | myeloproliferative neoplasm |
MPS | mononuclear phagocyte system |
Na+ | sodium |
NDI | nephrogenic diabetes insipidus |
NMB | new methylene blue |
nRBCs | nucleated red blood cells |
NSAID | nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug |
p27 | protein 27 |
PARR | PCR for antigen receptor rearrangements |
pCO2 | partial pressure of carbon dioxide |
PCR | polymerase chain reaction |
PCV | packed cell volume |
PDGF | platelet-derived growth factor |
PDH | pituitary dependent hyperadrenocorticism |
PLE | protein losing enteropathy |
pO2 | partial pressure of oxygen |
PPID | pituitary pars intermedia dysfunction |
PSS | portosystemic shunt |
PT | prothrombin time |
PTH | parathyroid hormone |
PTHrP | parathyroid hormone-related protein |
PTT | partial thromboplastin time |
PZI | protein Z-related protease inhibitor |
RBC | red blood cell |
RDW | red cell distribution width |
RI | reference interval(s) |
RPI | reticulocyte production index |
SCF | stem cell factor |
SDH | sorbitol dehydrogenase |
SDMA | symmetric dimethylarginine |
SG | specific gravity |
SIADH | syndrome of inappropriate ADH release |
T3 | triiodothyronine |
T4 | thyroxine |
TBW | total body water |
TEG | thromboelastography |
TEM | thromboelastometry |
TGF | transforming growth factor |
TIBC | total iron binding capacity |
TLI | trypsin-like immunoreacitivty |
TNF | tumor necrosis factor |
tPA | tissue plasminogen activator |
TRH | thyroid releasing hormone |
TSH | thyroid stimulating hormone |
UA | unmeasured anion |
UC | unmeasured cation |
UC:CR | urine cortisol to creatinine ratio |
UPC | urine protein to creatinine (ratio) |
USG | urine specific gravity |
vWD | von Willebrand disease |
vWF | von Willebrand factor |
WBC | white blood cell |
ZF | zona fasciculata |
ZG | zona glomerulosa |
ZR | zone reticularis |