2.4 Strategies for Engaging Variable Learners in Assessments
Do you sometimes find that your students are not engaged, or they struggle to demonstrate the extent of their learning through your assessments?
When it comes to engaging students in assessments, it’s about 1.) demonstrating relevance, 2.) providing flexibility and choice, and 3.) giving supports. Consider how these strategies could have helped Melanie (from the Three Assessment Experiences in the previous section) successfully reach her learning goals.
1. Demonstrate relevance
Demonstrating the relevance of assessments can help learners transfer usable knowledge and understand the “what,” the “how,” and the “why” of their learning. Let’s consider some excerpts from an Organic Chemistry “Sequenced Writing” assignment (assignment excerpts adapted from Liu, 2009):
Chem 101: Organic Chemistry
Every day, we are exposed to dozens of chemicals through our own personal care regimen. Personal care products, whether mostly synthetic or “all natural,” have all been carefully formulated by chemists. As your understanding of organic chemistry grows, your ability to compare products and understand why they work the way they do will increase.
Notice how the educator has made Organic Chemistry relevant by applying it to students’ personal care regimens. Again, at the end of the assignment introduction, the educator clearly states the purpose of the assignment.
Chem 101: Organic Chemistry
The purpose of this assignment is for you to apply your understanding of functional groups in organic molecules to everyday life.
Relevance is also demonstrated when assessments are designed so students apply disciplinary learning under authentic, or close to authentic as possible, circumstances. It is strengthened when the authentic circumstances are communicated in a broad way that allows students to make connections to practices or contexts that are relevant to them. For instance, In Organic Chemistry, you could allow students to connect the assignment to personal or cultural practices, such as analyzing traditional medicinal compounds or sustainable practices in personal care products (see next example).
Chem 101: Organic Chemistry
We encounter chemical compounds in many areas of our life – from the personal care products we use, to items such as medicine, within spiritual practices, or items we choose to attempt to lighten our impact on the environment. In this course, you are growing your understanding and ability to analyze chemical components in a manner that can allow you to connect in a new way to items that are significantly in your context or better assess the ability of products to meet your desired ends.
2. Provide flexibility and choice in ways students demonstrate the learning outcomes
🔎 USask Lens:
“I get that there is a need to have some kind of assessment on the knowledge that you’ve built up throughout the year but I don’t think it’s necessarily an exam. I would love if there were more options…like take home exams, they can be a great way to show what you’ve learned or final projects. Diversifying the kind of evaluations that you give students so that is not just tests that comprise their final marks.”
-Student testimonials from the Wellness Strategy Report
Offering flexibility and choices in assessment topics, procedures, and timelines helps to engage students and increases inclusivity. Flexible options in assessment promote student autonomy, affirm students’ cultural and personal identities, and create a sense of belonging, which we know increases student engagement in learning and success for students from equity deserving groups. By offering diverse modes of representation, you allow students to connect their learning to their unique experiences and strengths. Most often we see these kinds of choices provided through an “assignment menu.” Included below are two examples of assignment menus adapted from Durham College’s UDL and Assessment and Evaluation site. Both examples include a wide range of options for students to demonstrate their learning and both also help students to identify which options might suit their particular learning preferences.
🧩 Universally Designed Assessment (UDA) Tip #4: Offer Structured Choice through Assessment Menus
Revised Insight: Empower students by allowing them to select a mode of expression that aligns with their strengths. This does not mean offering an overwhelming array of options but rather designing a structured assessment menu—a limited array of thoughtfully curated choices. Such an approach balances autonomy with clarity, providing flexibility while remaining manageable for instructors.
Remember: Options should align with learning outcomes while providing students with a meaningful sense of control over their learning journey.
Providing multiple means of action and expression (the “how” of learning) means providing different ways for students to work with information and content and to demonstrate what they are learning. Consider which actions are relevant to the learning being measured and where flexibility and choice can be provided in order to gain an accurate picture of what each student has learned.
3. Provide supports
Students will be more engaged in their assessments when they believe they can be successful and when they are provided with the tools they need to achieve the learning outcomes. Create engagement by making the available tangible supports explicit and including them in assignment descriptions and in your syllabus. Let’s return to the Organic Chemistry writing assignment for examples of assessment supports.
Chem 101: Organic Chemistry
Suggested Resources:
A good place to start your search is SciFinder
- Log in and click on “explore substances”; then click on “substance” from the menu on the left and search the name of your compound
- If that fails, you can “Google” your compound. However, keep in mind that the web can contain faulty information. Verify the information by checking multiple sources.
- As you conduct these searches, keep in mind that Part II of this assignment asks you to summarize information on one of your listed compounds. It may be a good idea to keep track of some of the resources you come across during these initial searches.
🔎 USask Lens:
Supports available to students at the University of Saskatchewan include Writing Help and Math and Stats Help offered by the USask Library.
Supports can include resources that foster students’ sense of belonging and promote success as well as tips for using the resources strategically to accomplish the goals of the assignment.
Another type of support is providing samples of required assignment elements. Embedded in this assignment description are instructions for writing an annotated bibliography and example entries:
Chem 101: Organic Chemistry
What is an annotated bibliography?
An example of an annotated bibliography (in CSE style):
Liu JM, Livny J, Lawrence MS, Kimball MD, Waldor MK, Camilli A. 2009. Experimental discovery of sRNAs in Vibrio cholerae by direct cloning, 5S/tRNA-depletion and parallel sequencing Nucleic Acids REsearch 37: e46-
In this research paper, the authors from Tufts University present a new method for identifying small RNAs (sRNAs) in bacteria. The method is extremely high throughout and provides some exciting results. For example, the authors suggest that there are 1000s of sRNAs in a typical bacterial transcriptome. Additionally, the authors characterize one new SRNA in Vibrio cholerae, and show that this sRNA may be a repressor of the gene mtlA, which is involved in mannitol-metabolism. This will be a great paper to include in the “identification” section of my paper on non-coding RNAs in bacteria.
Reflection: One Small Step
Identify an assessment in which students have been well engaged.
- Did you demonstrate relevance, provide flexibility and choice, or offer supports in your assessment?
Now think of an assessment in which students were less engaged.
- What UDL strategies could you employ to support better engagement?
- Is it possible to include flexibility and choice in how your assessment is represented, how can your learners show what they know, or how can your learners engage in the assessment process?
- How do the flexible options still support the intended learning outcome(s) that need to be measured?
- Have I demonstrated relevance in ways that allow all students to connect their learning to their personal and cultural identities?
A statement of what we want students to learn to do. Effective learning outcomes typically include an observable action-based verb, reference the content, and describe the criteria that will be used to evaluate student performance. The criteria describes the level of proficiency learners will need to demonstrate by providing information on things like quality, quantity, or time measurements.
One of the three principles of UDL, it aims to provide learners with alternative methods of demonstrating what they comprehend and different ways of managing information (e.g., assignments, multimedia presentations, concept maps). Also referred to as the "how" of learning.