

As an institution with a settler-colonial history, the University of Saskatchewan works through nakaatayihtaamoowin, protecting and honouring the wellness of all humanity and creation across Treaty 6 and the Homeland of the Métis. It is through relationships that we work towards all the SDGs. While this book is available to anyone, strategic references are made to actions on this land. You are encouraged to connect with your land’s own history and stories to better reflect how local actions towards the SDGs can have global impact.
To support the University of Saskatchewan (USask) University Plan 2025 commitment to being “The University the World Needs”, USask will need to place a high priority on the SDGs. USask articulates that, “Only by addressing the interlinked social, economic and environmental challenges captured by the SDGs will it be possible to tackle climate change and protect the planet, while at the same time creating a prosperous, just and equitable society.”
This is a series around the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Each page dives into one of the goals and how we as educators can strive to embed these into our own courses. It is in the author’s opinion that any course or class can connect with one of the 17 goals or 169 sub-targets. By providing this book, we hope to elicit some ideas of how you might also integrate a global goal into your teaching. Please refer to the USask Sustainability in the Curricula website for further institutional information.
This content has been adapted by Aditi Garg at the Gwenna Moss Centre for Teaching and Learning and the University of Saskatchewan from the original by the Manitoba Council for International Cooperation. Users are free to download, copy, print and share this resource as needed, and adapt for their classroom or non-commercial use. If you adapt or build on this work, please let  us know.

Sustainable Foundations: A Guide for Teaching the Sustainable Development Goals by the Manitoba Council for International Cooperation is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. http://mcic.ca/uploads/public/files-sf/SF-Full-FINAL-WEB-ISBN-2021-EN.pdf


Aditi Garg is an educational development specialist helping educators design courses and programs that allow students to develop competencies for  sustainability and to help meet the Sustainable Development Goals through teaching and learning. She believes it is important to build reflective teaching practices based in inclusive and responsive learning. Her background is in secondary French, mathematics, environmental ethics, and outdoor education. She is a first-generation settler living on the banks of the South Saskatchewan River, which has sustained the First Nations people of Treaty 6 Territory for time immemorial and is the Homeland of the Métis.

Thank you to Julie Maier, USask Instructional Designer, for their open educational resource developmental support. Thank you to the Gwenna Moss Centre for Teaching and Learning staff for reviewing this text and for supporting learning for sustainability initiatives with mind and heart.