Appendix A: Administrators, Developers, Technical Support
- If you work at one Sask Polytechnic, U of R, or USask, please contact the appropriate administrator below to:
- Have a Pressbooks account created
- Create a new book for you to work with in Pressbooks
- Have a clone of an existing book added to the catalogue for you to adapt
- Have a clone of an existing book added to the catalogue for learners to access
- Have an existing book in the catalogue deleted
- Have questions about adding users
- Get help using Pressbooks
Please also contact them for information on students accessing books for the purpose of editing them through your learning management system (LMS). Students do not need accounts to view books.
2. If you work at any other post-secondary institution, please contact the Pressbooks administrator at USask
Sask Polytechnic
Donna Thiessen
T: 306-659-4175
University of Regina
University of Saskatchewan
Pressbooks Help