1 Learning Materials

Take inventory of your course’s Learning Materials.

What materials do you already have that will easily import into an online environment?

  • Textbooks
  • Readings
  • Online Videos
  • Software/Apps
  • Recorded Lectures
  • Other

Gathering your Learning Materials

If you’re still on the hunt for some great learning materials for your class follow this link to a short guide to selecting learning materials below:

There’s plenty of support for getting the right course materials into your online or remote class. From the Bookstore to the Library to the TLSE, here’s a few helpful links to find the support you need to get the job done.

Don’t forget about copyright in your remote course. Pedagogical and technical issues may make the shift from in-person to remote teaching a challenge but copyright concerns should not be a significant barrier! Check out the great resources available at USask for keeping your content compliant with copyright considerations.


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USask Remote Course Development Guide Copyright © by jordanepp is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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