
5 Complete Module Developments


Continue Developing Modules

Once your Prototype Module is complete it’s a great idea to have colleagues, family and friends review your online learning module and provide you feedback about the navigation, organization and weight of the module. From this feedback you can make some adjustments and dive into full development of the remaining modules.

Some instructors find it easiest to do this development linearly from Module 1 through to Module 12. Other’s find writing all the front material for each module first and then returning to the lecture materials after that is a better approach. The workflow is entirely up to you, but make sure you’re following the Course Design Plan to avoid having to rewrite overlapping content and other time consuming mistakes.

Syllabus Adjustments

Don’t forget your syllabus! Most departments and colleges have someone awesome who reminds you to get your syllabus in, but just in case… Your syllabus will probably need some new edits based on the new teaching and learning format.

For some tips and guidelines for writing a syllabus that meets or exceeds the University’s syllabus policies please see the following link.