Complete the following self-test to check your understanding of the key terminology and concepts of this chapter.
1. Pavlov is famous for his work in:
2. Taking away a child’s toys after she has hit her brother to teach her to stop hitting, is an example of:
3. If we reinforce the desired response every time it occurs, we are using:
4. To encourage students to enjoy arithmetic, a teacher might:
5. To train our puppy Shug to roll over, I began rewarding him for “laying down”. Then, I only rewarded him when he lay down and then flipped over to one side. After that, Shug got a treat when he lay down, turned to one side, and rolled over. What method did I use?
6. What is true in the prisoner’s dilemma game?
7. An intermittent schedule of reinforcement that reinforces behaviour after an average, but unpredictable, amount of time has passed is called a ____________ schedule.
8. A ________ is a strong and irrational fear of a specific situation, object, or activity.
9. Giving the class extra homework after poor results on a pop quiz is an example of:
11. ___________ strengthens a response by reducing or removing something unpleasant.
12. Pavlov’s dogs were trained to salivate to the sound of a bell because the sound had been repeatedly associated with food. In this example, food is the ______________.
13 According to the behaviourist school, ________ plays no role in learning.
14. Observational learning is also known as:
15. The study of learning is most closely associated with which school of psychology?