
5 Using Feedough AI to Make Effective Prompts in K-12 and Higher Education

Samantha Roberts


AI generators such as ChatGPT and MS Copilot are becoming more useful and mainstream within education. Like many new technologies there will be some adjustment needed to realize the full scope of possibilities. One way to get the most out of your chosen generator is to learn prompt writing and the other more time efficient option is to allow AI to tell you how to speak to it.

In this chapter we will explore AI prompt generator, Feedough, and how it can be used in teacher planning as well as student enrichment.



Despite AI’s rapid growth, many teachers and students alike are hesitant to try generative AI for anything beyond simple prompts such as asking a singular question. What I have learned from courses and articles (BlendVision, 2024) on AI prompt-writing is that you achieve better results with more in-depth prompts that layout the specifics of your goal. Feedough is one such AI prompt-writing tool that takes your simple inquiries and turns them into full-blown prompts. See Figure 1.

Additionally, time management has always been a huge issue for many teachers, especially with the increase of diverse student needs in under-funded and over-full classrooms. We will look at how teachers can utilize AI prompt-writing websites to achieve more effective results when developing lessons and classroom resources, including authentic differentiation. Also, with various learning needs in classrooms, teachers inevitably end up with students who learn at an increased speed and/or who crave enrichment of topics discussed. In teaching students how to use AI prompt writers, they can learn how to answer their own queries and become the engineers of their own learning.


Figure 1

Sample of advance prompting from Feedough

Note. Screenshot used with permission from Feedough.com


Learning Objectives

  • Increase effective use of AI in teachers for creation of differentiated resources
  • Overcome hesitancy of AI use.
  • Promote self-directed learning in students by using AI prompt generators.


Case Study

There are many things that can be created using AI as a tool, and many users are trying their hand at it. ChatGPT became the fastest-growing AI platform in late 2022, registering over 1 million users in just under a week (Howarth, 2024). With all this interest, it became somewhat of a novelty to create images and answers to simple questions. However, as we explore further, many educators see the value in this tool not just for entertainment (Ascione, 2024).

Figure 2

 AI Usage in Students from Multiple Areas of Post-Secondary Studies (Kelly, 2024)


In a study conducted by the Digital Education Council (Fig. 2), 86% of students admitted to using AI in their studies for tasks such as searching for information, checking grammar, summarizing documents, and creating first drafts (Kelly, 2024). Teacher use is also increasing, with up to 50% admitting to using some form of AI (Ascione, 2024). With this increased use, there have been some growing pains, with most suggesting that more education needs to be provided around not only the proper use of AI in student learning but also the proper way to write effective prompts (Ascione, 2024).

While there are numerous articles and courses that you can take on prompt design and engineering, the goal of AI is primarily to help us increase our productivity. If we need to study how to effectively prompt AI, then we are clearly adding to our workload and not using AI for its purpose. This is where online prompt generators come in. Among the many AI prompt generators available, I find Feedough.com to be the most user-friendly. It offers unlimited prompt generation, requires no sign-in, and best of all, it’s free.


teacher use


Lucy, a secondary science teacher, is helping her students learn how to balance chemical equations. While some students are doing well and ready for more challenging problems, others are still struggling with the basics. Complicating matters, Lucy recently discovered that her usual assignments have been circulated among students, thanks to a sibling who previously took her class.

Hearing about the potential of AI to create unique and differentiated educational resources, Lucy decides to give it a try. She opens ChatGPT but finds that her simple prompts aren’t yielding the desired results. Just then, a colleague stops by and suggests using AI prompt generators to craft more effective prompts. Following this advice, Lucy visits Feedough.com, inputs her basic prompt, and receives a much more detailed and effective version. Using this enhanced prompt in ChatGPT, Lucy finally gets the tailored resources she needs to support all her students.

In the above example, the simple prompt that I entered into Feedough and the resulting AI-generated prompt are demonstrated below.

Figure 3

Sample Prompt

Note. Screenshot used with permission from Feedough.com


From here, I would copy and paste this upgraded prompt into my chosen AI platform, which would then generate the questions for me. In comparison, when the same initial one-line prompt is entered into Copilot, the resulting questions do vary in difficulty, however, using the Feedough prompt results in more focused questions with better instructions for students to follow.

This simple tool can help teachers streamline the creation of new material, including differentiation.


Student use

Consider this . . .

Maggie is a curious student who often struggles to learn in a traditional classroom setting. One day, her teacher introduces a new concept, and Maggie becomes deeply engaged, asking numerous questions that extend beyond the curriculum. While her teacher is thrilled by Maggie’s enthusiasm, she realizes she doesn’t have the time to address all of Maggie’s inquiries in detail.

 The following day, during a computer lab session, Maggie’s teacher introduces her to MS Copilot, explaining how to craft effective prompts. Although Maggie is initially excited about using AI to expand her knowledge, she quickly becomes frustrated with the complexities of prompt design. Sensing Maggie’s waning interest, her teacher recalls a free prompt-writing website that could simplify the process.

The teacher introduces Maggie to Feedough.com, a tool that generates detailed prompts from simple questions. Maggie’s curiosity is reignited as she discovers she can obtain the answers she is looking for without mastering prompt design. 

With the introduction of generative AI into the educational landscape, we know that students are experimenting with creating various artefacts and I believe it is our job as educators to offer guidance on proper use of this new technology. During my teaching career most colleagues consider their students to have a higher level of digitally literacy than may be accurate.  And while there are numerous factors that affect a student’s digital literacy including “students’ age, gender, family socioeconomic status, and parent’s education level, (Peng, 2022)” the truth is that they are best at what they use most.  According to a 2023 article by Pew Research Center, students are most active on YouTube, Snapchat, TikTok and Instagram. These apps may make them masters of social media, but it does not mean they have acquired the digital skills that we all need in this new AI world. This is, again, where web-based tools such as Feedough’s AI prompt generator will help students master prompt-writing so that they can AI to it’s fullest potential.


Responsible use of AI 

Ultimately, as with any new technology, we must ensure we achieve a balance between innovation and responsibility.


Future Research and Innovation 

Feedough touts itself as “your go-to-platform for all things entrepreneurship! Whether you’re an entrepreneur, a startup founder, or a small business owner, we’ve got you covered with our comprehensive range of articles, guides, resources, and reviews.” (Feedough, 2024) There is no mention of educational intentions with this site but I found it to be a wonderful resource while researching proper prompt design. When I stumbled onto Feedough’s AI prompt writing tool I decided that, ultimately,  writing a chapter on prompt design might be non-essential when there are already tools out there that can do a much better job.

As for future innovation, I would expect that services like this one will someday become integrated within all generative AI, negating the need for AI prompt tools being hosted on separate websites.


How to

Follow this link to find step-by-step instructions on how to use Feedough’s AI prompt Generator



I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to my classmates, family, and friends who served as invaluable sounding boards throughout this process. Special gratitude goes to Brett Balon, my peer reviewer, for his thoughtful feedback, and to Professor Paula MacDowell, whose guidance was instrumental in helping me overcome challenges. I also deeply appreciate Aashish from Feedough for graciously granting permission to use screenshots from his website.

In the spirit of transparency, this chapter represents a collaborative effort between human creativity and AI tools. AI has played a key role as an editor and ideation partner, helping to refine my work and explore new perspectives efficiently. However, every decision and direction in this chapter was shaped by my own creative instincts and judgment. This integration exemplifies how technology can enhance the creative process, blending innovation with human ingenuity.


Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID)

Samantha Roberts. https://orcid.org/0009-0001-3987-3752 

Samantha Roberts is studying her Master of Education specializing in Educational Technology and Design. Her research interest focuses on effective use if AI and incorporating Indigenous Ways of Knowing into her Science courses. She has worked as a secondary teacher and adult educator for 13 years.



Ascione, L. (2024, July 12). Teachers say AI usage has surged. eSchool News.  https://www.eschoolnews.com/digital-learning/2024/07/12/teachers-say-ai-usage-has-surged/

BlendVision. (2024, April 15). Unlocking the power of generative AI: A guide to effective prompt design. BlendVision.  https://blendvision.com/en/blog/unlocking-the-power-of-generative-ai-a-guide-to-effective-prompt-design

Feedough. (n.d.). AI prompt generator. Feedough.  https://www.feedough.com/ai-prompt-generator

Howarth, J. (2024, July 25). 57 new artificial intelligence statistics. Exploding Topics.  https://explodingtopics.com/blog/ai-statistics

Kelly, R. (2024, August 28). Survey: 86% of students already use AI in their studies. Campus Technology.  https://campustechnology.com/Articles/2024/08/28/Survey-86-of-Students-Already-Use-AI-in-Their-Studies.aspx

Nguyen, T. (2023). Generative AI in education: Benefits, barriers, and use cases. Neurond. https://www.neurond.com/blog/generative-ai-in-education 

Peng, D., & Yu, Z. (2022). A literature review of digital literacy over two decades. Education Research International, Article ID 2533413. https://doi.org/10.1155/2022/2533413

Pew Research Center. (2023, December 11). Teens, social media and technology 2023. Pew Research Center: Internet, Science & Tech.  https://www.pewresearch.org/internet/2023/12/11/teens-social-media-and-technology-2023/?form=MG0AV3